Articles by tag "Berg, Alban"
“Frisch, Fromm, Fröhlich, Frei”: The Deutscher Turnerbund and the Berg Violin Concerto
Although Berg himself made public the nature of the extra-musical stimulus behind the composition of the Violin Concerto, through both his dedication “Dem Andenken eines Engels” and the article published by his biographer Willi Reich, the sketches for the work show that he originally planned to base the work on...
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Communicating Atonal Music: Alban Berg as Lecturer and Dialogue Partner
As a result of the new aesthetics and compositional techniques of musical modernism around and after 1900, the expectations of a concert and opera audience and the actual musical production of the musical avant-garde increasingly drifted apart. Scandal concerts multiplied and heated debates were carried out in the feuilleton. Musicians...
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